Terms & Conditions

Training Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all organisations or participants purchasing goods or services from 3 Rivers Training ABN 40 730 513 042. All references to ‘us’, ‘we’, and ‘our’ in this document means 3 Rivers Training.

3 Rivers Training delivers Training and Assessment under a partnership agreement with Allen’s Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909.

By booking a training course with 3 Rivers Training you agree to be bound by and abide with these Terms & Conditions, when a booking is completed these Terms & Conditions become a binding agreement. Notification of cancellation or withdrawal from our training program is required in writing and may be subject to penalty fees as outlined in this document.

Registration of training to be undertaken with 3 Rivers Training on behalf of a Company or Organisation, must only be completed by an officer authorised to do so.

Training Acceptance & Student Agreement  

  1. Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909 provide a Student Handbook which outlines the rights and responsibilities of students. All students who register for training are considered to have read and accept the terms of the Student Handbook when enrolling into our courses.
  2. 3 Rivers Training courses are smoke, drug and alcohol free. Verbal, emotional, or physical abuse directed to staff or other course participants will not be tolerated.
  3. 3 Rivers Training will not tolerate bullying and/or harassment directed to staff or other course participants.
  4. Enrolment completion and payment of associated fees permits access to online/written course work which must be completed prior to the face-to-face session.
  5. Minors aged 14-18 years are required to have an underage consent form completed. It must be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to 3 Rivers Training prior to the scheduled training session commencing.  
  6. National HLTAID standards require a certain level of physical ability to successfully attain the qualification, performing 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on a firm surface. Please contact 3 Rivers Training prior to the course to discuss any physical limitations or concerns; a refund will not be entitled to if no pre-course discussion has been held.
  7. Nationally accredited certificates will be issued once the student:
    1. updates enrolment data including allocation of Unique Student Identifier & AVETMISS information
    1. completes all pre-course work
    1. attends the entire face to face training and assessment session, within course timeframe and the student is deemed competent
    1. provides a valid photo identification
  8. Students recognise that care of training equipment is required.
  9. Feedback is requested following all courses; constructive feedback allows us to develop a course methodology that best suits the needs of students.
  10. If you do not wish to be photographed or videoed during your face-to-face training, please indicate on the ‘contact tracing and photo consent form’ at the commencement of your session.
  11. 3 Rivers Training Privacy Statement is available on our website https://www.3riverstraining.com.au

Payment of scheduled fees

Individual Students

All course fees must be paid in full, prior to attending your face-to-face training session. If an invoice is issued payment is to be made prior to enrolment into the training course and payment is made by Stripe or Direct Credit to our Bank Account, details will be provided on the invoice.  GST is inclusive for individuals not associated with a business.

When individuals book directly through the 3 Rivers Training webpage booking calendar, payment is collected via a merchant provider Stripe, a receipt will be issued upon payment from Stripe and 3 Rivers Training.

Where payment has not been received by the morning of the training course the student will not be able to attend that training session. Transfer to an alternate training session will be made on one occasion only at no additional cost.

Group (Company or Organisation)

Group (Company or Organisation) training fees will be emailed a Tax Invoice for the total cost of course fees at the enrolment of staff onto into the course. Payment is required within 14 days of the invoice date via Stripe or Direct Credit to 3 Rivers Training bank account.  Failure to pay under these terms may incur late payment fees. Prices are exclusive of GST.

Cancellations, refunds & rebooking

Notification of cancellation/withdrawal from your course must be made in writing to training@3riverstraining.com .au within the timelines outlined.

In the case of cancellation/withdrawal, the following cancellation fees will apply:

  1. Notice to cancel is 10 days or more a full refund of fees paid will apply
  2. Notice to cancel is less than 10 days and more than 48 hours, 75% of the fee paid will be refunded
  3. Less than 48 hours’ notice, NO refund will be provided
  4. Students who are late or miss the commencement of the program will not be entitled to a refund of fees – they will need to reschedule their training session and a rebooking fee will be payable
 Group Booking
  1. Notice to cancel is 20 days or more, a full refund of fees paid will apply
  2. Notice to cancel is less 20 days and more than 10 days, 75% of fee will be refunded
  3. Notice to cancel is less 10 days and more than 48 hours, 50% of fee will be refunded
  4. Less than 48 hours’ notice NO refund will be provided
  5. Students who are late or miss the commencement of the program will not be refunded – they will need to have their training session rescheduled and a rebooking fee will be payable
  6. Individuals within the group booking, who withdraw within 7 days prior to the course, will not be entitled to a refund of fees

Where refunds are approved, the refund payment will be processed via Direct Credit to a nominated bank account within 14 days from the time the cancellation notice was received.  Bank Account details for a Company or Organisation must be provided by a delegated representative on Company letterhead.  Bank Account details for individuals must be provided via email to training@3riverstraining.com.au.

If 3 Rivers Training cancel a course, then a full refund will be payable to the individual or entity who originally paid the course fee.

Rebooking fees of $15.00 may be applied when:

  • less than 48 hours’ notice of cancellation is given
  • inability to attend (no show) occurs
  • or if you arrived after the commencement of the training without prior notification to 3 Rivers Training


3 Rivers Training will comply with privacy policy as documented in the Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO No. 90909, Student Handbook in conjunction with 3 Rivers Training Privacy Statement located on our website.

Intellectual Property

All intellectual property rights for any 3 Rivers Training material developed or provided by us remains owned by us. The material must not be reproduced, copied, or shared with a third party without our written consent, ©3 Rivers Training.

In this clause, training material includes any training documents or exercise, or any note made by an attendee during the training session.


Any liability of 3 Rivers Training in connection with goods or services supplied to you will, subject to any non-excludable liability for breach of conditions or warranties implied by legislation and to the maximum extent permitted by law, at the election of 3 Rivers Training be limited to: 1. in relation to goods, the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; and 2. in relation to services, the supplying of the services again or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.

Applicable Law

All purchases, and these terms and conditions, are subject to the laws of Victoria, Australia